Testimonial: Small Biz, Websites and SEO
Have You Had Issues With Your Website Designer?
I Have a Solution: Blue Steele Solutions
I was sitting at my desk today I was doing too many things at once so my computer locked up. I was forced to sit back and wait. I don’t like that but as I sat, I began to think about the last year at Adventure Auto Glass. We have come along way in the 9 years we have been open but the last year has been one of the best. We see our strategic plan coming together and things are happening. You will hear a lot of buzz words like “momentum”, “strategic plan”, “website”, “SEO”, “somo” and it can get pretty confusing. A lot of local businesses here do not have an online “presence”. That makes me sad. I know it can be hard and time-consuming when you first are learning about it. But what a difference it can make. Not just for your company but for you personally. It has opened my eyes to marketing, strategy, and SEO.
As I was reflecting and my computer came back to life, I did a Google search to check out where I was standing on page one. Guess what? I am on page one for every town I service. That is such a great feeling. It’s always scary to check because there was a time, in the not-so-distant past, when I PAID someone to do this for me. My business didn’t show until pages and pages later. I was told that I would show but it might be months to a year before it happened. IN THIS CENTURY? You have got to be kidding me? I knew better.
I started talking online about it and what was going wrong. I was so LUCKY to meet a group of women who work in the industry. I told them my horror story about the company to whom we paid A LOT of money and we were not getting results. The website was static and it was lost for every town but one. It had been well over a year. When I emailed, I would receive no response. When I called, I was shamed. How dare I? They receive over 1000 emails in a day. They weren’t even reading them anymore. I swear – that is what I was told. How dare I. How dare I? I was not happy so I went to this FABULOUS group of women and said, in complete distress, what do I do?
This is what I learned:
1: New Website ASAP – not a static website, one that you can interact with. Google likes new material. The website MUST be updated frequently.
2: Learn SEO. I am personally obsessed with learning about it so when they told me that one of the group teaches it – SIGN ME UP! And I did – and it was the best investment EVER.
3: Have a plan – strategy, if you will. Don’t just jump on and sell, sell, sell. NO ONE CARES. It’s kinda like that whiny friend you have on Facebook – you stop listening, block or unfriend……..SAME THING WITH SALES> STOP IT.
4. Align new website with SEO (either PAY for it or LEARN it) It’s advertising and it’s CRUCIAL for MOST businesses.
I kissed three website building frogs before I met my princess. I have to tell you, as I watched my beautiful name “Adventure Auto Glass” show up on page one of Google, I sat back and just giggled. I giggled like a little kid because, after the months and months of pain, I am no longer tied to that pain. I am free. And guess what? My new website designer? She answers emails and calls me back. She has a fair payment plan that is explained up front. I know what I will pay to “fix” any issue I may have: btw, none to this date…..it’s been a little over a year I believe…….Her company is the ONLY company I will do business with.
I am planning to open a photography studio for schools and families, guess who I’m going to? You bet, my princess, I hope she is not offended by me speaking about her in these terms – she is a Godsend. I’m so thankful to know her! Who is this woman and what is this company? Her name is Heather and she owns Blue Steele Solutions: http://bluesteelesolutions.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bluesteelesolutions
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlueSteeleTX
Heather and Blue Steele Solutions; I wish I could convey how ecstatic our company is with your services. You helped heal some pretty deep wounds. I’m so happy. Thank you!!!!!! I will be calling you soon!
Those of you concerned about SEO; look for my next post!