Why Business Owners Should Be More Like Dogs

Adventure Auto Glass is 10 years old this year.  I am so proud of Dave going for his dream and letting us help him succeed in ways he didn’t even dream of.  There I go ending sentences with “of”. Sorry English Majors.  🙁  I capitalized that M too didn’t I?

The more we learn about business, social media, finances, strategic planning and management the more we feel overwhelmed, tired, anxious and hyper-sensitive to EVERYTHING we are doing.  Have you been there?  I am going to end 2015 with a new promise to myself.  When I get stressed out about all the “should” and “shouldn’t” going around on this planet, I am going to go pet my dogs.  Why?  Because dogs “get it” (cats do too by the way).  Let’s really learn from our pets and carry in what we have learned to 2016.

  1.  Dogs love to see you.  What if we treated our customers like our dogs treat us?  I don’t think I recommend kissing complete strangers but if you look at it more simply, this could really work.  If your customers didn’t come in, you wouldn’t be in business.  Gratitude for your customers is a MUST, don’t you think?

Dave with Nala

  1. Dogs love to play.  PLAY?  What is this in which I speak?  PLAY!  Why don’t we play?  This can mean a lot of different things.  For me and my two businesses, I’m going to make it a priority.  I love both of my jobs and I need to play.  So play I shall do.  I am seriously making a strategic list of play events in the work place (and out).  Some include everyone at work (and fam) and some do not.  PLAY!

OH Max!

  1. Dogs love to dig in the dirt.  Ours do anyway.  SO it’s time to get SERIOUS. Yup, I said it.  I’m gonna get down and dirty this year.  I’m making lists of goals like I used to do when we were in the infantile stages of the business.  More got done, we were more savvy with our resources and I admit, I’ve been lazy the last couple of years.  No more of that.

Dirty Cloey

  1. Dogs love to sniff.  So, how do you sniff at work?  Besides candles and food…….I want to sniff our new opportunity.  Isn’t that what they are doing?


  1. Dogs love to run.  I do not.  However, we can always learn to run more efficiently.


    Dogs Running


So there you have it.  Why business owners need to more like dogs.  🙂  Happy Holidays Everyone!