Windshield Replacement – The Facts
Windshield Replacement and What You Need to Know
Nobody wants to do it yet we all literally run into that rock – especially in Arizona it seems. Are you aware that Arizona is the number one state in the nation for windshield replacements? Arizona received more dings to the windshield than any other state.
Start with your insurance agent:
So what is one to do? We recommend talking to your insurance agent about adding auto glass coverage to your policy. In most cases it is more than affordable. Keep in mind most windshields cost anywhere from $200-$600 to replace. When you discuss the cost with your agent, this may help you determine if adding glass coverage to your policy.
Replace or repair:
Windshields can either be replaced or repaired. If your chip in your windshield is smaller than a dime, chances are it can be repaired. Please note that when we repair your chip it may not disappear totally. The purpose for a chip repair in your windshield it to keep the integrity of it. The aesthetic piece is a bonus if it can be filled without seeing it. A skeleton may be visible regardless.
The chip repair on your windshield can take up to 40 minutes. Usually the time is 20 – 30 minutes. It is completely dependent on the size and severity of your chip.
If your windshield has a long crack or the chip is well over a dime (or you have more than two chips in the windshield) it is time to replace it. A windshield replacement takes approximately 2 hours. An hour to replace and an hour to sit so the adhesive has time to cure. This is important as you do not want the windshield to slip, slide or fall out during your drive home. The longer you allow your new windshield to cure, the more secure it will be.
When can I wash my car after a windshield replacement:
You do not want to go directly to the car wash after a new windshield has been replaced. The adhesive needs to cure for at least 24 hours before you wash it.
Things in the windshield:
We may ask you for your VIN number so that we can get you YOUR windshield. The technology is such that there are many “goodies” inside your windshield and just any old windshield won’t do. You cannot “upgrade” your windshield to get some of the goodies.
These are just a few of the facts regarding your windshield. We hope it helps – if you have questions, please do not hesitate to call us! We love to help!
For More Information on the Chip Repair, Click Here: